Serial number in context file contains lower value than that of database copy.


In this article, will discuss how to resolve serial number in context file contains lower value than that of database copy. ERROR: InDbCtxFile.uploadCtx() : Exception : Error executing BEGIN.

Reproduce error ‘Serial number in context file contains lower value than that of database copy’.

$ adop phase=prepare

ERROR: InDbCtxFile.uploadCtx() : Exception : Error executing BEGIN

fnd_gsm_util.upload_context_file(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5); END;: 1; Serial number in context file contains lower value than that of database copy.

Cause: Context file editing through Oracle Applications Manager did not complete file system synchronization. Please correct the errors that caused during editing and then run this program again. (FILE={CONTEXT_FILE}.xml) Error executing BEGIN fnd_gsm_util.upload_context_file(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5); END;: 1; Serial number in context file contains lower value than that of database copy.

This error will occur when the value for s_contextserial in the context file doesn’t match the value stored in the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table. The context files with the issue looked as follows:

RUN filesystem context file:

$ . ./EBSapps.env run

$ grep s_contextserial $CONTEXT_FILE


<oa_context_serial oa_var="s_contextserial">1790</oa_context_serial>


PATCH filesystem context file:

$ . ./EBSapps.env patch                     

$ grep s_contextserial $CONTEXT_FILE

<oa_context_serial oa_var="s_contextserial">1789</oa_context_serial>

So in the above case, the context file on the PATCH filesystem has s_contextserial set to 1789.

In the database, we see the following value for s_contextserial for the PATCH filesystem:

SQL>SELECT extractValue(XMLType(TEXT),'//oa_context_serial') SERIAL_NUMBER, extractValue(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') FILE_EDITION from fnd_oam_context_files where name not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA') and (status !='H') and (CTX_TYPE !='D') ;

Value from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table:


1. Take a backup of the following file:

$. ./EBSapps.env patch


2. Update the following entry in the context file:


<oa_context_serial oa_var=”s_contextserial”>1789</oa_context_serial>


<oa_context_serial oa_var=”s_contextserial”>1790</oa_context_serial>

3. Run the failed adop phase=prepare again.


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