How to resolve Cause cmlmcm failed due to ora-20100

In this article, will see how to resolve Cause cmlmcm failed due to ora-20100 Temporary file creation for FND_FILE failed in our ebs.



Cause: cmlmcm() failed due to ORA-20100: ORA-20100: Temporary file creation for FND_FILE failed.

Directory &FILE_DIR is invalid, contact your system administrator.

This error was being thrown when one instance was trying to create .tmp file


To resolve this issue Cause cmlmcm failed due to ora-20100 ,shutdown both the apps and db services of one instance and we have to set utl_file_dir properly.

Ensure that the directories specified in the utl_file_dir parameter in the V$PARAMETER table are writeable by the Oracle owner.


The profile option CSI: Log File Path must be the first entry in the utl_file_dir parameter.


Make sure that $APPLPTMP and $APPLTMP are set to this same value.


Verify that the profile ‘CSI: Log File Path’ has a valid directory path (NO trailing slash) and that it is defined in the ‘utl_file_dir’ parameter


set ‘/usr/tmp’ and changed the ownership of this dir to user owner of this instance


Logon to database as sysdba


Create pfile from spfile


SQL> alter system set utl_file_dir=’/usr/tmp’,’/data01/orahome/appsutil/outbound/DEV_xxxapps’,’/usr/tmp’ scope=spfile;


System altered.


modified UTL_FILE_DIR parameter’s first entry from ‘/usr/tmp’ ;

Created spfile from pfile


Brought up the db and listener


Now modified the $APPLPTMP variable in TEST_oratest.xml file as ‘/usr/tmp’



Run the autoconfig on appsTier.


Brought up the apps services

Retested the issue and it was resolved

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