How To Purge E-Mail workflow notifications From the EBS workflow queue.

How To Purge E-Mail workflow notifications From the EBS workflow queue. | Sometimes we need to purge the huge workflow notifications queue in EBS workflow, because of mailer services got failed and giving an error while starting or while refreshing/cloning new instance.  How To Purge E-Mail workflow notifications? As we know that old e-mail workflow … Read more

Enable auto extend the datafile size in oracle database.

Enable auto extend |Before enabling the auto extend datafile size in oracle database. Make sure free space available on disk. Some time we need to enable auto increment for datafile to extend its size while data growing up frequently.         How to Enable auto extend.   First of all, we have to … Read more

Difference between physical and logical backup in oracle

Difference between physical and logical backup in oracle | In this post, we will discuss the about differences between physical (RMAN) and logical backup(expdp). Difference between physical and logical backup. Physical backup is backup of the physical files such as datafiles, control files, and archived redo logs. Ultimately, every physical backup is a copy of files … Read more

POCFH Fill Employee Hierarchy

Introduction: – Here will cover to fix POCFH Fill Employee Hierarchy. The file poxpofeh.sql appear to be missing. To resolve it we need to apply the required patch. Error:-Routine fdpsql cannot read the file /data01/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/sql/poxpofeh.sql.   How to POCFH Fill Employee Hierarchy?   Check if the file exists under correct product directory. Check if the … Read more

what is control file in oracle and how to multiplex control files on separate disk

Here we will discuss ‘what is control file in oracle’ and ‘how to multiplex control files on separate disk’.       What is control file in oracle.     Control file is a binary file which stores Database name, associated data files, redo files, DB creation time and current log sequence number. Without control … Read more

ORA-12514 TNSlistener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

In this post we will covers ‘How to resolve ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor. How to fix ORA-12514 TNSlistener does not currently know of service? ERROR DESCRIPTION:(*******FATAL ERROR*******PROGRAM : (*******/fs1/EBSapps/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/    : Sat Sep  8 10:25:42 2018FUNCTION: TXK::SQLPLUS::_doExecute [ Level 3 ]MESSAGES:Invalid Connect string – cannot connect to … Read more

How do you switch and create spfile from pfile in 11g,12c,19c

How do you switch and create spfile from pfile| In this article we will discuss ‘how to create pfile from spfile’. Spfile is a binary file.  By default, a new Oracle database will be working on a pfile,  so the spfile must be created from the pfile using SQL command. URL:-   How do you … Read more

Some useful configuration files and directories in linux

Below is useful configuration files and directories in Linux. Every DBA must be aware for daily operation.     File Name Description /etc/passwd /etc/passwd file is used to keep track of every registered user that has access to a system. File that contains the following information: Username. Encrypted password. User ID number (UID)  /etc/hosts hosts … Read more