How to fix WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected.

In this post we will ensure how to fix warning: oracle executable binary mismatch. In alert log file message showing repeatedly as oracle binary mismatch.

oracle executable binary mismatch

Error:- WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected

WARNING: Oracle executable binary mismatch detected.

Binary of new process does not match binary which started instance issue alter system  set “_disable_image_check” = true to disable these messages Fri Nov 26 13:46:00 2021.


To fix oracle binary mismatch issue we need to the implement the solution, please use one of the following solutions.

The likely cause of this issue is that if you copy the binary from backup or re-ran the make command (may be during patching).

Solution 1.

To resolve the oracle binary mismatch, we can set the hidden parameter “_disable_image_check”.Once you will set the below parameter then warnings will disappear.

SQL>alter system set “_disable_image_check” =true;

Solution 2. 

If we will shutdown and start your instances issue binary mismatch warning will be resolved.The alert log clearly says that there is a mismatch between the binary that started the instance and the binary that was used to attach to the instance when the error happened.

Use Relink to relink oracle executable binary:-

Shutdown oracle database and listener services and execute re-link all to relink binary files.

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/relink all

Once you run the relink  all command, you should check the logs  if any error on another putty session while it is progress.

If any error will display in relink log you have to take the necessary action against that error to ensure the smooth functioning of oracle database.

If the issue still persists even after applying above action plan, then it would be a good idea to relink Oracle binaries by referring below document.

You may re-link oracle binary using reference Doc ID 1467060.1.

To use oracle binary on another server you may check the ‘Manual Binary configuration‘.

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