How to clone EBS and Database using rman backup


In this post we will discuss ‘How to clone EBS and Database clone using rman backup’. Here we will perform rapid clone for ebs and restore database using rman

How to clone EBS and Database?

Follow the below steps carefully to complete ‘rapid clone using rman’ backup for the EBS & Database


First Steps: 1

NOTE:-  When you are planning for cloning, before taking backup, you have to run preclone on database and application.

Running Preclone on dbTier :-

1)Login on as oracle user.


root@prod# su – oracle






oracle@prod$cd ora10g





oracle@prod$. ./*.env


oracle@prod$echo $ORACLE_SID


oracle@prod$cd appsutil/scripts/PROD_prod


oracle@prod$ls -ltr


-rwx——   1 oracle   dba        14345 Dec 19  2009


oracle@prod$perl dbTier




It will prompt you for the apps user’s password. Give the password and enter. The preclone process will run for 3-5 minutes. Once it is complete and you get the prompt, run Preclone on APPSTIER as follows: –


Running Preclone on appsTier :–

2) Login on as applmgr user.
root@appsprd # su – applmgr



applmgr@appsprd$cd prodappl


applmgr@appsprd$. ./*.env
applmgr@appsprd$cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/PROD_appsprd







applmgr@appsprd$ls -ltr
-rwx——   1 applmgr  oaa        14271 Dec 19  2009
applmgr@appsprd$perl appsTier

The above command will run for around 10 minutes. You can shutdown the Application and Database, when the adpreclone is completed on dbTier and appsTier.

Second Steps : 2

NOTE : After running the preclone successfully.  Now you can shut down the services for APPS and DB. 

Procedure for Shutting down the Oracle EBS Applications:-

1)Login on (APPSPRD) from Power Term Software or X-manager.
2)Login as application user.
   root@appsprd #  su – applmgr
3)Then list the files
applmgr@appsprd$  ls
4)Go to prodappl directory
applmgr@appsprd$ cd prodappl
      5)   Run the environment file
applmgr@appsprd$.  ./*.env
      6)   Check the environment
applmgr@appsprd$ env
(Note: It must show all the TOPS after running the env command)
      7)   Then type
applmgr@appsprd$ cd  $COMMON_TOP/admin
      8)   Run pwd
applmgr@appsprd$ pwd
          The result should be following
9)   Then list the files
applmgr@appsprd$ ls
10)   Go to the following Directory
applmgr@appsprd$ cd scripts
11)   Then list the files
applmgr@appsprd$ ls
12)   Go to PROD_appsprd directory
                      applmgr@appsprd$ cd  PROD_appsprd
13)   Check the path
                      applmgr@appsprd$ pwd
         The result should be following
14)  Then list the files
applmgr@appsprd$ ls
15)   Now check the processes of applmgr user
applmgr@appsprd$ ps –fu  applmgr
          It will show all the processes under the applmgr user.
16)   Then run the following script
applmgr@appsprd$ sh  apps/password
 17)   Now wait till the prompt comes.
18)   Check the status of all the scripts. Theexit status should show the value of 0.
18. (a) Now go to the path as below :
applmgr@appsprd$ cd   $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util

The output of the above command should be as follows:

applmgr@appsprd$ pwd /apps/home/applmgr/9iAS/8.0.6/discwb4/util

applmgr@appsprd$  ls

It will show many different scripts.

18. (b) Now run the following script :
19)   Now wait till all the applmgr processes are finished. This will be going to take some             time.
applmgr@appsprd$ ps  –fu  applmgr

20)Run the above command again and again till there are none of the processes remain.

(Note: You may have to kill some processes which are not killed by itself. For e.g. Processes

 Starting with FNDLIBR, /usr/j2se, f60webmx etc. Kill the processes very carefullyif required.)


This completes the procedure for Shutting down the Oracle Applications.

To start the EBS application, using adstral.shscript.

$sh  apps/<password>

Procedure for Shutting down the Oracle Database:-

Once the Oracle Applications is closed and all the processes are finished, the next step is to shutdown the Oracle Database.
1)Open a new window at (Prod) console.
2)Login with oracle user
root@prod # su  –  oracle
3)Then go to oracle home directory
oracle@prod$ cd ora10g

oracle@prod$pwd  /oracle/home/oracle/ora10g
4)Run the environment file
oracle@prod$.  ./*.env
5)Check the environment
oracle@prod$ env
6)Then shutdown the database by the following steps on SQL prompts.
oracle@prod$sqlplus ‘/as sysdba’
SQL> alter system checkpoint;
SQL> shutdown immediate
Then wait till it comes back to SQL prompt.
SQL> exit
NOTE:– ( It may take sometimes, 10-15 minutes for the database to get down.Wait till then.)
7) Check the alert.log for any error messages.
8)Now run the listener utility to stop the listener processes.
                       Then wait till it comes back to LSNRCTL prompt.
9)Now check the processes for oracle
oracle@prod$ps –fu oracle.
10) Make sure no oracle processes exists on the Oracle server.
This completes the procedure for Shutting down the Oracle Database.

Third Steps: 3

Part A:
We have to copy the database Backup files from Venuss to appstst (
Or simply restore database directly from /Backup/RMAN_HOTBACKUP/PROD_DB.
Login in to Venuss server:
Login as : root
Password: **********
root@venuss # cd /backup03/TEST/RMAN_HOTBACKUP/PROD_DB
root@venuss # rcp –pr PROD*
root@venuss # cd /backup01/cold_backup/binaries
root@venuss # time rcp –pr ora10g /oracle/home/oracle
Part B:
We have to copy the application files from Venuss to appstst (
root@venuss # cd /backup01/appsprd_backup
root@venuss # time rcp –pr prodappl /backup/home/applmgr
root@venuss # time rcp –pr prodcomn /backup/home/applmgr
root@venuss # time rcp –pr 9iAS /backup/home/applmgr

Fourth Steps: 4

Change the ownership of datafiles.
Login in to Appstst server:
Login as : root
Password: **********
    root@appstst # cd  /data03/test
root@appstst # chown –R oracle:dba dbfiles
root@appstst # chown –R oracle:dba sysdbfiles
root@appstst # chown –R oracle:dba controlfiles
root@appstst # chown –R oracle:dba undofiles
root@appstst # chown –R oracle:dba logfiles
root@appstst # ls –ltr
root@appstst # cd  /archive/TEST
root@appstst # chown –R oracle:dba ndxfiles
root@appstst # cd  /oracle/home/oracle
root@appstst # chown –R oracle:dba ora10g
root@appstst # ls –ltr
Change the ownership of Application files.
root@appstst # cd /backup/home/applmgr
root@appstst # chown –R applmgr:oaa prodcomn
root@appstst # chown –R applmgr:oaa prodappl
root@appstst # chown –R applmgr:oaa 9iAS
root@appstst # ls –ltr
Rename the directory.
root@appstst # cd /backup/home/applmgr
mv prodcomn testcomon
mv prodappl testappl
root@appstst # ls –ltr

Fifth  Steps: 5

Login in to Appstst server:
Login as : oracle
Password: **********
Or  if you loging by root :
su – oracle
RMAN restoration on target database.
Prepared pfile on target database. Start database in nomount mode.
$sqlplus / as sysdba
$sql>startup nomount
$sql>select name,open_mode from v$database;
Restore controlfile from backup (/Backup/RMAN_HOTBACKUP/PROD_DB)
$rman target /
$RMAN> restore controlfile from
$RMAN>sql ‘alter database mount’;
Update catalog to restore database.
$RMAN>catalog start with ‘Backup/RMAN_HOTBACKUP/PROD_DB’;
Restore Database:-
$RMAN> @/oracle/home/oracle/restoretestdb.sql
After successful restoration open database with resetlogs. Add tempfile and rename redo logs file.

To change DB name follow the below steps:-

To change the database name in addition to the DBID, specify the DBNAME parameter. This example changes the name to test_db:
Ensure that the target database is mounted but not open, and that it was shut down consistently prior to mounting. For example:

Note:- Ensure tempfile and redo file available before going to rename Database name.
$nid TARGET=SYS/xxxxx DBNAME=test_db






After that modify the parameter file as db_name
nid target=sys@M3RPT REVERT=Y
Database clone using
Note:- dbTechStack for Hot Backup
oracle@appstst$  cd  /oracle/home/oracle/ora10g/appsutil/clone/bin
oracle@appstst$  perl dbTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]:
(user input  : apps1234)
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:
Provide the values required for creation of the new Database Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:
(Press Enter)
Target instance is a Real Application Cluster (RAC) instance (y/n) [n]:
(Press Enter)
Target System database name [PROD]:TEST
(User Input: TEST)
Target system RDBMS ORACLE_HOME directory
(User Input: /oracle/home/oracle/ora10g)
Target system utl_file accessible directories list [/usr/tmp]:
(Press Enter)
Number of DATA_TOP’s on the target system [7]:6
Target system DATA_TOP 1:/data03/TEST/dbfiles
(User Input: /data03/TEST/dbfiles)
Target system DATA_TOP 2:/data03/TEST/sysdbfiles
(User Input: /data03/TEST/SYSdbfiles)
Target system DATA_TOP 3:/data03/TEST/tempfiles
(User Input: /data03/TEST/tempfiles)
Target system DATA_TOP 4:/data03/TEST/undofiles
(User Input: /data03/TEST/undofiles)
Target system DATA_TOP 5:/data03/TEST/logfiles
(User Input: /data03/TEST/logfiles)
Target system DATA_TOP 6:/archive/TEST/ndxfiles
(User Input: /archive/TEST/ndxfiles)
Do you want to preserve the Display set to prod:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n
(User Input: n)
Target system Display [appstst:0.0]:appstst
(User Input: appstst)
Perl executable location is set to:
Do you want to preserve the port values from the source system on the target system (y/n) [y] ?:n
(User Input: n)
Clone Context uses the same port pool mechanism as the Rapid Install
Once you choose a port pool, Clone Context will validate the port availability.
Enter the port pool number [0-99]:
(User Input: 1)
Checking the port pool 1
done: Port Pool 1 is free
Database port is 1522
Creating the new Database Context file from :
The new database context file has been created :
Log file located at /oracle/home/oracle/ora10g/appsutil/clone/bin/CloneContext_07080811.log
Running Rapid Clone with command:
perl /oracle/home/oracle/ora10g/appsutil/clone/bin/
java=/oracle/home/oracle/ora10g/appsutil/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/oracle/home/oracle/ora10g/appsutil/clone/bin/.. component=dbTier method=CUSTOM
dbctxtg=/oracle/home/oracle/ora10g/appsutil/TEST_appstst.xml  showProgress
Beginning database tier Apply – Sun Jul  8 08:15:33 2012
Log file located at
If error come at 70%
oracle@appstst$ cd /oracle/home/oracle/ora10g
oracle@appstst$ ls –ltr
oracle@appstst$ . ./ TEST_appstst.env
oracle@appstst$ sqlplus  ‘/as sysdba’
SQL> select name from v$database;
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Note : Copy the listener file from production to target .
LSNRCTL > exit
Copy extproc from ora10g prod to test in ora10g.

Sixth  Steps: 6

Login in to Appstst server:
Login as : applmgr
Password: **********
Or  if you loging by root :
su – applmgr
applmgr@appstst$ cd  /backup/home/applmgr/prodcomn/clone/bin
applmgr@appstst$  ls
applmgr@appstst$ perl appsTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]:
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:
(Press Enter)
Target system database SID [PROD]:TEST
(User Input: TEST)
Target system database server node [prod]:appstst
(User Input: appstst)
Target system database domain name []:
(Press Enter)
Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [y] ?:n
(User Input: n)
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?:
(Press Enter)
Target system APPL_TOP mount point
(User Input: /backup/home/applmgr/prodappl)
Target system COMMON_TOP directory [/apps/home/applmgr/prodcomn]:/backup/home/applmgr/prodcomn
(User Input: /backup/home/applmgr/prodcomn)
Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory [/apps/home/applmgr/9iAS/8.0.6]:/backup/home/applmgr/9iAS/8.0.6
(User Input: /backup/home/applmgr/9iAS/8.0.6)
Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory [/apps/home/applmgr/9iAS/iAS]:/backup/home/applmgr/9iAS/iAS
(User Input: /backup/home/applmgr/9iAS/iAS)
Do you want to preserve the Display set to appsprd:0.0 (y/n) [y] ?:n
(User Input: n)
Target system Display [appstst:0.0]:
(Press Enter)
Location of the JDK on the target system [/usr/j2se]:
(Press Enter)
Do you want to preserve the port values from the source system on the target system (y/n) [y] ?:n
(User Input: n)
Clone Context uses the same port pool mechanism as the Rapid Install
Once you choose a port pool, Clone Context will validate the port availability.
Enter the port pool number [0-99]:
(User Input: 1)
Checking the port pool 1
done: Port Pool 1 is free
Web Listener port is 8001
Complete port information available at
Database Connection on Port 1522: Successful
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /oracle/home/oracle/ora10g/appsutil/outbound/TEST_appstst
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:
Backing up /backup/home/applmgr/prodappl/admin/TEST_appstst.xml to
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /backup/home/applmgr/prodcomn/clone/bin/CloneContext_07080844.log
Running Rapid Clone with command:
        perl /backup/home/applmgr/prodcomn/clone/bin/
java=/backup/home/applmgr/prodcomn/clone/bin/../jre mode=apply
stage=/backup/home/applmgr/prodcomn/clone/bin/.. component=appsTier method=CUSTOM
appctxtg=/backup/home/applmgr/prodappl/admin/TEST_appstst.xml  showProgress
rm: /backup/home/applmgr/9iAS/iAS/6iserver is a directory
rm: /backup/home/applmgr/9iAS/iAS/Apache/jdk is a directory
ln: cannot create /backup/home/applmgr/9iAS/iAS/Apache/jdk/j2se: File exists
Beginning application tier Apply – Sun Jul  8 08:47:07 2012
Log file located at
applmgr@appstst$  ps –ef |grep http
applmgr@appstst$  ps –fu applmgr
applmgr@appstst$  ps –ef |grep FNDLIBR
applmgr@appstst$ cd  prodappl
applmgr@appstst$ ls –ltr
applmgr@appstst$ . ./APPSORA.env
When it will run, then you have to press the ctrl + c key.
applmgr@appstst$cd prodcomn/admin/scripts/TEST_appstst/
applmgr@appstst$sh apps/punj1234
applmgr@appstst$sh apps/punj1234
applmgr@appstst$sh apps/punj1234
applmgr@appstst$ps -fu applmgr
applmgr@appstst$kill -9 15671

Seventh  Steps: 7

Login in to Appstst server:
Login as : oracle
Password: **********
Or  if you loging by root :
su – oracle
oracle@appstst$  cd  ora10g
 oracle@appstst$ . ./T*
oracle@appstst$ pwd
oracle@appstst$ ls
oracle@appstst$ cd appsutil
oracle@appstst$ ls
oracle@appstst$ cd scripts
oracle@appstst$ cd TEST_appstst
oracle@appstst$ ls
oracle@appstst$ sh
oracle@appstst$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect  apps/punj1234
SQL> /
SP2-0103: Nothing in SQL buffer to run.
SQL> commit;

Eighth  Steps: 8

Login in to Appstst server:
Login as : applmgr
Password: **********
Or  if you loging by root :
su – applmgr
applmgr@appstst$ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR
Apps password reset:-
Here is Steps to Change Apps Password:
1- Shutdown all the application Services.(and start the database and its listener)
3- Issue the commands at the Unix command line similar to the following:
FNDCPASS apps/apps12345 0 Y system/prodmgr SYSTEM APPLSYS <new password>
NOTE : VERY IMPORTANT! (on appsprd(application server)
Sqlplus /nolog
Sql> connect apps/<New Passwd>
Sql> show User
Run the autoconfig on db and appsTier.
5- Start all the Application services with New APPS Password
6-Submit a Active User request and check that request completes successfully.
Note :- Before changing the password your database and listener should be up.
Note:- Above steps will work with EBS R12.1.*. For R12.2 follow the below steps to clone.




Cloning procedure for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone.



The cloning of EBS consist of the following three phase.

1. Prepare the source system for the apps Tier.

2. Copy both APPS Tier nodes from source to target system.
3. Configure the Target System for apps Tier.

Configure target system application tier server.



Make sure below file system have correct ownership, if not please change it as below.

root# mkdir -p /oracle/apps/fs1/

root# mkdir -p /oracle/apps/fs2/
root# mkdir -p /oracle/apps/fs_ne/



root#chown -R applmgr:dba /oracle/apps/fs1/ /oracle/apps/fs2/ /oracle/apps/fs_ne/

root#chmod -R 775 /oracle/apps/fs1/ /oracle/apps/fs2/ /oracle/apps/fs_ne/

Login run edition file system in the target system as applmgr user.

$cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin

$perl appTier 

Note:- Provide the currect input while prompt after execution of Do the same as previor release (R12.1.1).

Once cloning of fs1 file system completed. Check the opmn status.

$sh status

Now we will clone the fs2 file system. Source the patch file system.

$cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin


$perl appTier 



Note:- Once completed it. Do the post steps as below.

1. Change the system password.

2. Change APPS password.
3. Change the site name.

4. Change the Form Colour .
5. Run cmclean.sql
6. Clear the unwanted schedule program.
7. Deactivate the Workflow service.




R11i / R12.0 / R12.1 : Cloning Oracle Application with Rapid 

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