How to fix Adop cutover failed pre_cutover_checks_completed.


In this post we going to cover the ‘How to fix ADOP Cutover failed PRE_CUTOVER_CHECKS_COMPLETED’ while applying the adop patch in our EBS. After applying a patch with adop: (prepare/apply/finalize), the cutover failed.

ADOP Cutover failed
adop cutover failed pre cutover checks

👉Why ADOP Cutover failed PRE_CUTOVER_CHECKS?.

The services on primary node possibly partially up, but services down on the secondary node due to ADOP Cutover failed PRE_CUTOVER_CHECKS_COMPLETED.

adop cutover failed pre cutover checks

Summary report for current adop session: –

Node acedisupplier: Failed

– Cleanup status: Failed

– Apply status: Completed successfully

– Finalize status: Completed successfully


Node prdsvr: Failed

– Cleanup status: Failed

– Apply status: Completed successfully

– Finalize status: Completed successfully


For more details, run the command: adop -status -detail

If we see CUTOVER_STATUS column the below will determine the code and status.


–> not in (‘N’,’Y’,’X’) and status=’F’ ‘FAILED’










Summary report for current adop session:

Node acedisupplier: Failed

– Cleanup status: Failed

– Apply status: Completed successfully

– Finalize status: Completed successfully


Node prdsvr: Failed

– Cleanup status: Failed

– Apply status: Completed successfully

– Finalize status: Completed successfully


For more details, run the command: adop -status -detail

To check the details information setup analyzer.

ADOP Analyzer: Please upload the ICM ADOP Application Tier Analyzer output zip-file

by using the LATEST version of the analyzer available in

EBS Installation Configuration Management (ICM) Application DBA Online Patching (ADOP)

Analyzer (Doc ID 2379656.1).


ODM Data Collection:-

35.00 V_20211201_2323 slave acedisupplier 193.00 Y Y 1 N N F

35.00 V_20211201_2323 master prdsvr          193.00 Y Y 0 N N F

For the slave completed the shutdown but for the master is just started. Checking for existing adop cutover failed sessions. 

Continuing with existing session [Session ID: 35].

Session Id : 35

Prepare phase status : COMPLETED

Apply phase status : COMPLETED

Cutover phase status : NOT COMPLETED

Abort phase status : NOT COMPLETED

Session status : RUNNING

cat /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/inst/apps/aced_prdsvr/logs/appl/admin/log


12/01/21-23:51:35 :: version 120.0.12020000.6

12/01/21-23:51:35 :: stopping OPMN managed OHS instance

opmnctl stopproc: stopping opmn managed processes…



Response: 0 of 1 processes stopped.

ias-instance id=EBS_web_OHS1





Error during ADOP Cutover failed.

–> Process (index=1,uid=1243434072,pid=34408)

time out while waiting for a managed process to stop

second stop attempted

time out while waiting for a managed process to stop




12/01/21-23:53:39 :: exiting with status 204

Checking console~OHS~1.log.


21/12/01 23:55:43 Stop process



apachectl hardstop: httpd (no pid file) not running


21/12/01 23:56:45 Stop process



apachectl hardstop: httpd (no pid file) not running


21/12/01 23:57:47 Stop process



apachectl hardstop: httpd (no pid file) not running



Attachment: <console_OHS_1.log>

Diagnose the adop cutover failed pre cutover checks issue.

Okay, we can try to stop the service manually by running the

/oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/inst/apps/aced_prdsvr/admin/scripts/ stop

If it fails check below:

1>Please confirm the file configuration in httpd.conf file.

2>Please switch to the directory /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home


After that and run the following command.

Check  the output

$ grep PIDFILE apachectl

Below are output

[applmgr@prdsvr bin]$ grep PIDFILE apachectl



if [ -f $PIDFILE ]


#PIDFILE=`grep PidFile $1 | grep -v “#” | cut -d” ” -f 2`

PIDFILE=`grep “^PidFile” $1| cut -d” ” -f 2`

PIDFILE=`eval echo $PIDFILE`

if [ “x$PIDFILE” = “x” ]

We will check if the PID does exist :

[applmgr@prdsvr scripts]$ cat /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/



cat: /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/

EBS_web_OHS1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/ No such file or directory

Some processes are running as below.

[applmgr@prdsvr scripts]$ ps -ef|grep applmgr

applmgr 3580 1 0 Oct23 ? 00:00:05 frmweb server webfile=HTTP-0,0,1,default

applmgr 9514 34408 0 Dec01 ? 00:00:20 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/

FMW_Home/webtier/ohs/bin/httpd.worker -DSSL

applmgr 10168 34408 0 Dec01 ? 00:00:21 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/ohs/bin/httpd.worker -DSSL

applmgr 16163 1 0 Nov16 ? 00:00:01 frmweb server webfile=HTTP-0,0,1,default

root 19601 1270 0 04:32 pts/1 00:00:00 su – applmgr

applmgr 19603 19601 0 04:32 pts/1 00:00:00 -bash

root 19781 19717 0 Dec01 pts/0 00:00:00 su – applmgr

applmgr 19783 19781 0 Dec01 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash

lp 21624 35206 0 04:38 ? 00:00:00 smb:// 226243

applmgr COMM-P6SPD.57030008 1 cpi=12 finishings=3 fitplot lpi=6

media=na_letter_8.5x11in number-up=1 page-bottom=86 page-left=57

page-right=57 page-top=30 scaling=100 wrap job-uuid=urn:uuid:a7311f94-7621-

3e6e-5a1b-8e6322635064 job-originating-host-name=localhost

applmgr 21707 19603 0 04:40 pts/1 00:00:00 ps -ef|grep applmgr

applmgr 34408 1 0 Oct16 ? 00:03:04 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home

/webtier/ohs/bin/httpd.worker -DSSL

applmgr 34506 34408 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:02 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/ohs/bin/odl_rotatelogs -l


diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/EBS_web-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.log 10M 70M

applmgr 34507 34408 0 Oct16 ? 00:24:08 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/ohs/bin/odl_rotatelogs


diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/access_log 43200

applmgr 34508 34408 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:00 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/



diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web/access_log 86400

applmgr 34509 34408 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:00 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/




/logs/OHS/EBS_web/ssl_request_log 86400

applmgr 34519 34408 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:00 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/ohs/bin/odl_rotatelogs -l -h:/oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_OHS1/



auditlogs/OHS/EBS_web/audit-pid34408-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.log 1M 4M

applmgr 34520 34408 0 Oct16 ? 00:00:47 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/ohs/bin/httpd.worker -DSSL

applmgr 39310 34408 0 Dec01 ? 00:00:23 /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/ohs/bin/httpd.worker -DSSL


It seems the opmn is already down. Confirm that :Then check and confirm is started and PID does exist :

$ps -ef | grep -i opm

[applmgr@prdsvr scripts]$ ./ status

You are running version 120.0.12020000.2

Checking status of OPMN managed processes…

Processes in Instance: EBS_web_OHS1


ias-component | process-type | pid | status


EBS_web | OHS | 34408 | Stop

After kill pid 34408. it started now.

$kill -9 34408

We will go to the master node and start the opmn ?

$./ start

If it’s down then run adop cutover again.

Now Executed adop phase=cutover.

In adopmon frequently showing as below.

-2021/12/02 05:05:35 acedisupplier EVENT DB Cutover did not complete on Admin node: <prdsvr>

2021/12/02 05:05:35 acedisupplier EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

-2021/12/02 05:06:35 acedisupplier EVENT DB Cutover did not complete on Admin node: <prdsvr>

2021/12/02 05:06:35 acedisupplier EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

-2021/12/02 05:07:35 acedisupplier EVENT DB Cutover did not complete on Admin node: <prdsvr>

-2021/12/02 05:07:35 acedisupplier EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

2021/12/02 05:08:35 acedisupplier EVENT DB Cutover did not complete on Admin node: <prdsvr>

-2021/12/02 05:08:35 acedisupplier EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

It seems cutover is still trying to stop it regardless the opmn is down already. Since PID

does not exist is constantly failing.

cat /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/instances/EBS_web_OHS1/


Retry the adop cutover:-

Then if everything looks good run the adop cutover again.

-2021/12/02 05:33:44 prdsvr EVENT Cutover System

-2021/12/02 05:33:44 prdsvr EVENT Switching to Patch Edition

2021/12/02 05:33:44 prdsvr EVENT Killing old sessions

2021/12/02 05:33:46 prdsvr EVENT Flipping snapshots in run and patch editions.

2021/12/02 05:33:47 prdsvr EVENT Performing file system cutover.

2021/12/02 05:34:38 acedisupplier EVENT Waiting for flipping of snapshots to complete.

on Admin node.

=>2021/12/02 05:34:39 acedisupplier EVENT Performing file system cutover.

2021/12/02 05:34:43 prdsvr EVENT Checking if file system cutover completed.

2021/12/02 05:34:43 prdsvr EVENT File System Cutover did not complete on node(s):


-2021/12/02 05:34:43 prdsvr EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

2021/12/02 05:35:43 prdsvr EVENT File System Cutover did not complete on node(s):


2021/12/02 05:35:43 prdsvr EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

2021/12/02 05:36:43 prdsvr EVENT File System Cutover did not complete on node(s):


2021/12/02 05:36:43 prdsvr EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

2021/12/02 05:36:55 acedisupplier EVENT Checking if file system cutover completed.

2021/12/02 05:36:55 acedisupplier EVENT Waiting for Admin Server to start.

2021/12/02 05:36:55 acedisupplier EVENT Starting Admin Server did not complete on

Admin node: <prdsvr>

2021/12/02 05:36:55 acedisupplier EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

Broadcast message from [email protected] (Thu Dec 2 05:37:43 2021):

aced environment has changed.

All users must re-source the environment.

2021/12/02 05:37:40 prdsvr EVENT Starting run edition Admin Server.

2021/12/02 05:37:43 prdsvrdb EVENT Compile Edition: V_20211201_2323, In a Loop

2021/12/02 05:37:44 prdsvrdb EVENT Compile Edition: V_20211201_ 2323

2021/12/02 05:37:52 prdsvrdb EVENT Compile Edition: V_20211201 _2323

2021/12/02 05:37:55 acedisupplier EVENT Starting Admin Server did not complete on

Admin node: <prdsvr>

2021/12/02 05:37:55 acedisupplier EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

2021/12/02 05:38:55 acedisupplier EVENT Starting Admin Server did not complete on

Admin node: <prdsvr>

2021/12/02 05:38:56 acedisupplier EVENT Will wait for another minute and check again.

2021/12/02 05:38:59 prdsvr EVENT Starting application tier services..

2021/12/02 05:39:57 acedisupplier EVENT Starting application tier services.

Summary report for current adop session:-

Node acedisupplier: Completed successfully

– Cutover status: Completed successfully

Node prdsvr: Completed successfully

– Cutover status: Completed successfully

Adop status:- 

For more details, run the command: adop -status -detail

[applmgr@prdsvr scripts]$ adop -status -detail

Enter the APPS password:



ADOP (C.Delta.12)

Session Id: 35

Command: status

Output: /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/35/20211202_054604/



Node Name Node Type Phase Status Started Finished Elapsed

————— ———- ————— ————— ——————– ——————– ————

prdsvr master PREPARE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:23:23 2021/12/01 23:31:07 0:07:44

APPLY COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:39:26 2021/12/01 23:41:34 0:02:08

FINALIZE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:42:49 2021/12/01 23:44:49 0:02:00

CUTOVER COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:48:16 2021/12/02 05:44:14 5:55:58


acedisupplier slave PREPARE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:25:25 2021/12/01 23:38:21 0:12:56

APPLY COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:44:14 2021/12/01 23:44:15 0:00:01

FINALIZE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:42:49 2021/12/01 23:44:49 0:02:00

CUTOVER COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:50:19 2021/12/02 05:45:47 5:55:28


After successfully completed adop cutover on master and slave node. Now we will run

adop phase=cleanup.

I have checked that all services are started. Now cleanup is completed.

Summary report for current adop session:

Node acedisupplier: Completed successfully

– Cleanup status: Completed successfully

Node prdsvr: Completed successfully

– Cleanup status: Completed successfully

For more details, run the command: adop -status -detail

The cleanup phase completed successfully.

adop exiting with status = 0 (Success)

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/applmgr

[applmgr@prdsvr scripts]$

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/applmgr

Here will check the status to resolve the issue ‘ADOP Cutover failed PRE_CUTOVER_CHECKS_COMPLETED’.

[applmgr@prdsvr scripts]$ adop -status -detail

Enter the APPS password:



ADOP (C.Delta.12)

Session Id: 35

Command: status

Output: /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/35/




Node Name Node Type Phase Status Started Finished Elapsed

————— ———- ————— ————— ——————– ——————– ————

prdsvr master PREPARE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:23:23 2021/12/01 23:31:07 0:07:44

APPLY COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:39:26 2021/12/01 23:41:34 0:02:08

FINALIZE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:42:49 2021/12/01 23:44:49 0:02:00

CUTOVER COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:48:16 2021/12/02 05:44:14 5:55:58

CLEANUP COMPLETED 2021/12/02 05:51:51 2021/12/02 05:54:15 0:02:24

acedisupplier slave PREPARE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:25:25 2021/12/01 23:38:21 0:12:56

APPLY COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:44:14 2021/12/01 23:44:15 0:00:01

FINALIZE COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:42:49 2021/12/01 23:44:49 0:02:00

CUTOVER COMPLETED 2021/12/01 23:50:19 2021/12/02 05:45:47 5:55:28

CLEANUP COMPLETED 2021/12/02 05:51:51 2021/12/02 05:54:15 0:02:24

File System Synchronization Type: Full

Generating full adop status report: /oracle/aced/EBSFS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/35/20211202_060018/adzdshowstatus.out

Cutover failed to stop the web since the PID was already killed

As there was not PID to kill cutover failed trying to stop the web

Hope your issue ‘ADOP Cutover failed PRE_CUTOVER_CHECKS_COMPLETEDwill resolve after doing the above steps.

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How to fix line 143 ERRORCODE = 1 ERRORCODE_END

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How to fix UNEXPECTED error Nodes are listed in the ADOP_VALID_NODES table but not in the FND_NODES table.

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