Her we will see Steps to bounce apache in r12 using automate Apache server restart (bounce) script.
In this post we will know how to automate Apache server restart through shell script.
If you are thinking to automating Apache server restart which can be done through a crontab entry.
Pls check carefully below steps: –
Here is Details :
Create the below entry in crontab (Please modify the timing in the cronjob as per your Apache restart requirement):
$10 8 * * * su -c applmgr “sh /oracle/prodappl/11.5.0/bin/ApacheBounce.sh”
Note: ApacheBounce is the script to be created which will do the Apache restart. Mineserver is the servername where Apache services are running.
This example is for the services running on a single node and same concept can be followed while implementing on multiple servers.
Location of the bounce script: /oracle/prodappl/11.5.0/bin/ApacheBounce.sh
The below mentioned are the contents of the Apache restart script (ApacheBounce.sh) :
#Source the ENV file
. /oracle/prodappl/APPSPROD_XXX.env
Sleep 5
# Notify all users before the restart.
cat $MINE_TOP/bin/ Apachedown.txt | mailx -s “PRODUCTION – Apache Bounce will happen in 3 mins ” -c “[email protected]”
sleep 180
#Stops the Apache services
sh $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adapcctl.sh stop
sleep 10
# Kill leftover Apache processes
kill_processes=`ps -ef | grep “/iAS/Apache/Apache/bin/” | awk ‘{print $2}’`
echo $kill_processes
kill -9 $kill_processes
sleep 5
sh $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adapcctl.sh start # starts the Apache services
sleep 5
# Notify all users after restart
cat $CUST_TOP/bin/Apacheup.txt | mailx -s “PRODUCTION Apache Bounce Complete” -c “[email protected]”
End of file.
Note: Save the content of the email to be sent in a text file: Apachedown.txt and Apacheup.txt
For example:
$ cat $CUST_TOP/bin/Apachedown.txt
Hi All,
PRODUCTION Apache services are scheduled to be bounced in 2 minutes. Please ignore any alerts while it is being bounced.
Oracle Apps DBA Team
$ cat $CUST_TOP/bin/Apacheup.txt
Hi All,
PRODUCTION Apache services have been restarted. Please report if there are any issues.
Oracle Apps DBA Team